5 Secrets of the highest life expectancy: Food

5 Secrets of the highest life expectancy: Food

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Did you know the Japanese have the highest life expectancy?

Japan is considered the longest living country in the world. The average life expectancy of the Japanese today reaches 90 years. We share with you the secrets of their longevity. Until the end of the 19th century, Japan was a closed and mysterious country, and only in the last 100 years has it gradually begun to open up to the outside world. The phenomenon of Japanese longevity captured the minds of scientists around the world, and they came to the conclusion that the secret of long life lies in the special way of life of the inhabitants of this state, which consists of 5 factors:

  • Food culture;
  • Physical activity;
  • Calm attitude to life;
  • High level of medicine;
  • Features of personal hygiene;

The main secret in proper nutrition

Japanese nutrition is very different from traditional European cuisine with a balanced composition and low calorie content. The Japanese are not only the longest-lived nation, but also the most slender. And they are accustomed to a healthy diet from childhood. In a Japanese school, you will not find sausages, pasta or rolls in the dining room. But it’s never too late to start taking a cue from centenarians.


The basis of the Japanese diet is rice. This product is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also has a beneficial effect on digestion, helping to control weight. Rice is eaten on its own, as a side dish or used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes. A popular Japanese rice dish is sushi and rolls. A special place is given to fish and seafood. The Japanese, especially the elderly, hardly eat red meat. They believe that Americans taught them how to eat meat. Now in Japan they are actively fighting this bad habit. Fish is rich in Omega-3 acids, necessary for maintaining youth and beauty, iodine, phosphorus and vitamins. The Japanese prefer salmon, salmon, trout, pink salmon, chum and tuna.


They also eat a lot of soy. Soy contains a special protein, which is a building material for muscles. And unsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the skin. Therefore, the skin of the Japanese is so smooth and wrinkles appear much later than that of Europeans. Milk, sauces and Tofu curds are made from soybeans. In addition, Japanese cuisine is rich in seaweed and vegetables. These are the invariable attributes of Japanese side dishes. They also serve salads and soups. By the way, the Japanese eat a lot of soups, but they are not at all like our usual first courses. Probably, the Japanese would faint at the sight of our hodgepodge – their soups are light and low-calorie.


The Japanese drink a lot. But not coffee and soda, but pure water and green tea. We especially love matcha tea in this country. This drink is the prevention of aging and excess weight, because. it contains antioxidants. By the way, in Japanese restaurants, green tea is served absolutely free. An important role is played by the rules of the Japanese meal: The Japanese never eat while walking, watching TV, or reading. This is disrespectful to food. Dishes are served in small portions: the emphasis is not on quantity, but on variety. Why do you think the Japanese still eat with chopsticks? That’s right – eat less. You need to eat slowly and thoughtfully.

Here is a great video showing how to eat sushi correctly. You can imagine how different is the attitude towards food.


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