Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success

Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success

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“Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.”

~ Elon Musk


We absolutely admire Elon Musk, he is a real modern hero!

Everyone can learn something from this bright man.

Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success:

  1. Work Like Hell
  2. Have a High Pain Threshold
  3. Critical Think
  4. Add Value to Society
  5. Take Risks
  6. Have a Great Product / Service
  7. Attract Great People
  8. Constantly Seek Criticism
  9. Don’t Follow the Trend
  10. Overcome Critics


How many of these rules do you follow?

Or do you follow any of them? It is a great time to start!


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