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Brain health needs to be taken care of from a young age.
Dementia is a persistent disorder of higher nervous activity, accompanied by the loss of acquired knowledge and skills, and a decrease in the ability to learn. Russian and foreign scientists in the course of the study came to the conclusion that the number of people suffering from dementia has more than doubled over the past 25 years.
In order to maintain clarity of thought and a sound mind in old age, you need to “keep” the brain in good shape from youth.
Lead an active lifestyle
First of all, regular sufficient physical activity is necessary. Neurologist Elena Gayvoronskaya notes that it is recommended to devote 2.5-5 hours a week to moderate aerobic physical activity: fast walk; slow cycling; ballroom dancing; water aerobics.
Or 1-2.5 hours of intense aerobic physical activity: run; cycling at a speed of more than 15 km/h or riding uphill; swimming lanes.
Do yoga and meditation
When doing yoga, thoughts become calmer and clearer, it helps to get rid of stress. In addition, serotonin and dopamine are released, which has a positive effect on mood and minimizes the risk of depression, which can trigger dementia. It doesn’t matter what style of yoga is practiced. The main thing is that training should be done regularly and, above all, carefully. So during the practice you can relax both mentally and physically.
Stick to proper nutrition
To reduce the risk of dementia, you need to drink enough water, and include foods that improve the functional activity of the brain in the diet. These include: fish; dietary meat; seafood; dairy products; vegetables; fruit; nuts; seeds; seasonings (cinnamon, sage, saffron, lemon balm).
Give up bad habits
A very important step to take as soon as possible. Neurologist Elena Gayvoronskaya notes that even passive smoking affects the inner lining of blood vessels and accelerates atherosclerosis. This, in turn, leads to vascular dementia.
Exercise your mind
The work of the brain is positively affected by: learning foreign languages; learning musical instruments; Reading books; games where you need to memorize objects or actions. You can also do special exercises. Ambidexter
With your non-working hand, write a few words or draw a simple picture. Such unusual activity, coupled with the use of fine motor skills, makes both hemispheres of our brain work. This has a positive effect on memory.
Sharp eye
Review your room or study in the office for a minute. Then close your eyes and list everything that you remember: from the largest details to the smallest.
Try another route to get to work, home, or the supermarket. Look around: memorize the names of streets, establishments, shops or other features. Before going to bed, try to accurately restore the distance traveled.
Be optimistic
A positive attitude towards life helps to avoid the development of depression. People with depression are more prone to dementia than their optimistic peers. It is impossible to completely “insure” against dementia. Because there are factors that we cannot influence. But some good habits can reduce the risk of this disease.