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Some of us do feel uncomfortable when wearing little clothes.
Is there a way to change it?
Here is a quick motivating post to boost your self-esteem and encourage you to change the way you look at yourself!
Be honest with yourself
The first step is psychotherapeutic. It is necessary to accept your body as it is.
For this get a a full-length mirror and put on your underwear. Check how it fits. What places make you feel uncomfortable about your body? Does the underwear cut in your skin? Some women tend not to wear the proper size and just getting an appropriate size could make significant changes to the way you look!
Access your body shape
What parts do you find problematic? What parts do you find attractive? Focus on your best parts, try to find the way to highlight them.
Choose the right style
After finding out your body shape, you may realise that a particular part of your body makes you uncomfortable. If you think you have a bigger booty and too small breasts, you may consider buying a push-up bra to make this contrast less visible.
If you feel proud of your booty, you may want to wear G-strings. If you feel slightly uncomfortable – wear knickers and draw attention to your beautiful sexy and open bra instead.
Feel Beautiful
We do not realise that we deserve feeling awesome all the time. Not only when someone looks at us, but even alone in our bed. So, your underwear and sleepwear matters. Go to CityChic to find stunning items for your amazing curves!
Have a great posture
Posture really matters. Most of the model girls wouldn’t look so great if they didn’t practice in front of the mirror their beautiful postures.
Look at yourself
…in the mirror more often. Do you know how people hate their own voice? You don’t hear yourself in the same way as other people do. But there is a trick: if you record yourself and listen, you will get used to it and actually…. turn to liking it! The same here! Look at yourself and appreciate the best parts! You will love your body in the end!
It is a great tip for everyone. Physical activity is crucial for our health. Nowadays most of us barely move. Have a nice long walk to begin with. Do some yoga, take up dancing classes, jog in the morning or get yourself a gym subscription. It will make you feel better about yourself and definitely boost your self-esteem!